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Online EXIT-Work – Delivering Interventions Online

By Robert Örell. Violent-right-wing extremists (VRWE) use the online space to spread their ideology and to reach vulnerable individuals to recruit online… How do VRWE exploit the online space?  Violent-right-wing extremists (VRWE) use the online space to spread their ideology and to reach vulnerable individuals to recruit online. The online platforms operated by extremist groups […] Mehr lesen

Biographical clones and other anomalies – Review: „The Radical’s Journey.

Review: „The Radical’s Journey. How German Neo-Nazis Voyaged to the Edge and Back“ In 2020, the book „The Radical’s Journey“ was initially praised in professional circles. Former right-wing extremist Tanja Privenau has now looked at the book in greater depth and has gained some surprising insights. She concludes it provides answers that raise even more […] Mehr lesen

In eigener Sache: Verstärkung für die Redaktion

Von Redaktion. Wir freuen uns darüber, Verstärkung in der internationalen Fachredaktion begrüßen zu dürfen. [english below] Zwei profilierte internationale Experten werden zukünftig unsere internationale Fachredaktion unterstützen.  Mit Dr. Virginie Andre unterstützt uns eine international anerkannte Expertin im Feld der Terrorismusforschung und Extremismusbekämpfung.   Robert Örell hat 20 Jahre für EXIT Schweden gearbeitet und zählt zu […] Mehr lesen

Journal EXIT-Deutschland | Sammelband 2020

Inhaltsangabe Journal Ausgestiegene in Prävention und Wissenschaft Von Dr. Ryan Scrivens, Dr. Steven Windisch, Dr. Pete Simi. In den letzten fünf Jahren haben sich Fachleute und Entscheidungsträger zunehmend auf die Erfahrungen ehemaliger Rechtsextremisten gestützt, um Erkenntnisse über die Bedrohung durch gewalttätigen Extremismus und Terrorismus und dessen Bekämpfung zu erlangen. Der Ausstieg: Wie rechtsextreme Frauen den […] Mehr lesen

Two Sides of the Same Coin: A personal story

By ACD. Dear readers, let me introduce myself. I work in a social field. Every day I help people imrpove their lives and how to deal with their problems. Many years of my life I have spent in living in mutliple countries and amongst many cultures. However, as of some years ago I also spent […] Mehr lesen

Review: Skin, Stone

By Miriam Steinkeller & Fabian Wichmann. For the exhibition Haut, Stein Jakob Ganslmeier photographed – in cooperation with EXIT-Deutschland – tattoos and their removal process of people who left the violent-right-wing extremist scene. In contrast to tattoos, which tell of biographical processes of people who left the scene, photos of Nazi symbolism in public space […] Mehr lesen


By Dr Virginie Andre and Onni Sarvela. The first series of international online workshops on the ‘Multi-dimensional Role of Former Extremists in Prevention, Intervention and Countering of Violent Extremism’ was launched on 25 and 29 May, and 2 and 5 June. The workshop brought together 21 front-line practitioners (including exit and law enforcement practitioners), policy-makers […] Mehr lesen