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Bd. 3 (2014) Standards Partners Campaigns

Inhaltsverzeichnis „I am the opposite of Osama bin Laden“ Claudia Dantschke Kameradschaft vor der Kamera – Eine Analyse reziproker Effekte von Medienberichterstattung über die rechtsextreme Szene auf deren Anhänger Katharina Neumann Walk Away from Violent Extremism: a campaign to address violent extremism online Anne Aly Rechtsextreme Gewalt gegen antidiskriminierende Fangruppen im deutschen Profifußball: Eine Lageanalyse […] Mehr lesen

„I am the opposite of Osama bin Laden“

Von Claudia Dantschke. Abstract: A conversation between Claudia Dantschke and Imam Abu Adam Hesham Shashaa about Salafism in Germany, the war in Syria and questions of reradicalization and deradicalization of adolescents. Full Article: PDF

A De-Radicalization Strategy for Greece: Baby steps back to social common sense

By Chara Georgiadou. Abstract: Violent extremism in Greece in these last recession years has turned into a widespread social phenomenon. Greek extremism is not a new crisis concept though; Extremist groups such as the “17th of November” for instance have been present and defining what “Greek terrorism” is for a long time. The main problem that […] Mehr lesen

Conference Report: “The Psychology of Crime-Related Radicalization” May 8-9 2014 in Trier

By Daniel Köhler. Abstract: On May 8 and 9 the University of Trier’s Departments of Law and Psychology hosted their first interdisciplinary and international conference on the legal and psychological aspects of violent and non-violent radicalization processes, potentially leading to severe criminal acts or terrorism. Attended by over 90 professionals, the event brought together many, […] Mehr lesen

Bd. 2 (2014) First Anniversary Edition

Inhaltsverzeichnis The Advice Centre on Radicalisation of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees Florian Endres ZusammenDenken. Elf Thesen zur Islamismusprävention an Schulen Aycan Demirel, Mirko Niehoff Rekrutierung im Cyberspace – wie Extremisten das Internet nutzen Dorothee Dienstbühl, Meike Weber Externe Konflikte und islamistische Radikalisierung. Eine Analyse zum Einfluss des Bosnienkrieges auf die islamistischen Radikalisierungsprozesse […] Mehr lesen

The Advice Centre on Radicalisation of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

By Florian Endres. Abstract: In an interview with the Turkish newspaper Hürryiet in January 2014, Dr. de Maizière, the German Federal Minister of the Interior, was questioned about the approximately 270 persons with German connections who have travelled from Germany to Syria (among other issues). The Minister’s comments included a statement concerning the possible danger posed by jihadists who […] Mehr lesen

The Invocation of Human Rights and the (De-)securitization of Ethno-political Conflicts

By Richard Georgi. Abstract: The paper contributes to the scholarly debate on (de-)radicalization through research on the (de-)securitizing character of human rights invocations by civil society organizations (CSOs) in ethno-political conflicts. The securitization concept provides for an innovative analytical tool for understanding the influence of CSOs on inter-group relationships: A securitizing move asserts an existential […] Mehr lesen

Bd. 1 (2014) New Angles Create alternatives

Inhaltsverzeichnis Die Beratungsstelle „Radikalisierung“ im Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge Florian Endres „Ich bin das Gegenteil von Osama bin Laden“ Claudia Dantschke A New Kind of Terror: Radicalizing Youth In Canada Abbee Corb, Renee Grozelle Couragierter agieren und reagieren – Ein Plädoyer für mehr Zivilgesellschaft im Kampf gegen den Rechtsextremismus aus bayrischer Perspektive Franz Gervasoni […] Mehr lesen