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The role and function of conspiracy narratives in right-wing extremism

By Fabian Wichmann. With the strengthening of social polarisation and social crises, conspiracy narratives or conspiracy ideologies are also experiencing a boost. Various studies have shown that people who believe in conspiracy narratives do not only believe in one of these narratives, but are receptive to many more diverse narratives. This is one explanation for […] Mehr lesen

Returning to Extremism

An Overview on Terrorist Reoffending and Current Challenges By Susanna Z. Papp and Robert Örell.  Due to recent tragic terrorist attacks in Europe, the question of terrorist recidivism has come to the centre of attention in public and policy discourses. Although the data show low recidivism rates in European countries, the impact of successful re-offenses […] Mehr lesen

RAN C&N The Incel Phenomenon

Online meeting 17-18 June 2021 By RAN Communication and Narratives (C&N) Working Group. The incel phenomenon is being studied more and more, from a P/CVE perspective as well. As there are links between certain parts of the incel movement to (other) types of extremism, it is important to try to understand what is going on […] Mehr lesen

Fighters for Peace

Ex-combatants: Lessons learned – “Formers” engage in preventing violence and extremism By Christina Foerch Saab. Working with “formers” (former extremists and ex-combatants) in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) can be very impactful on target groups such as marginalized and excluded youth who are at the brink of radicalization or who have already taken the […] Mehr lesen

Reporting about Violent Extremism and P/CVE

Reporting about Violent Extremism and P/CVE Challenges for Journalists – Recommendations from Practitioners By Alexander Ritzmann and Fabian Wichmann. This paper will describe the challenges for Journalists and will give some recommendations from practitioners. Reporting about extremism and terrorism poses major challenges for journalists on different levels. This paper will address some of the most […] Mehr lesen

Digital Exit Work

RAN small-scale meeting on “Digital Exit Work” – CONCLUSION PAPER By Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN). Key outcomes The effectiveness of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) interventions is based on an in-depth understanding of the relevant target audiences, and in particular of the needs of individuals. Most existing exit programmes are founded around concepts of […] Mehr lesen

Have a „BRAKE“ have a Distanzierungsprozess

Von Distanz e.V. Distanz – Distanzierungsarbeit, jugendkulturelle Bildung und Beratung – e.V. wurde 2019 in Weimar gegründet. Der gemeinnützige Verein widmet sich bundesweit dem jungen Feld der sogenannten Distanzierungsarbeit mit jungen Menschen. Der Fokus dieser Tätigkeit liegt hierbei auf der Intervention gegen Rechtsextremismus und Gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit. Distanzierungsarbeit und Rechtsextremismus Die Distanzierung von rechtsextremen oder menschenfeindlichen […] Mehr lesen

Incels: A Guide to Symbols and Terminology

By Moonshotteam. Online incel communities represent a risk to both health and public safety. The men involved in the incel ecosystem are angry, isolated, depressed, and often suicidal. The Toronto van attack in 2018 and the more recent attack in February 2020 have put their capacity for real-world harm beyond doubt. It is also clear […] Mehr lesen

Publikation / Standards: Ausgestiegene in der politischen Aufklärungsarbeit

Von Ulrike Krause, Bernd Wagner, Fabian Wichmann. EXIT-Deutschland arbeitet nach einem Gesamtkonzept, das Ausgestiegene in die Arbeit als Gleichwertige einbezieht. Neben der Mitwirkung in der Fallarbeit und bei Familienhilfen, Hintergrundrecherchen und territorialen Lageanalysen engagieren sich die Mitglieder des AKTIONSKREISES ehemaliger Extremisten in der politischen Aufklärung. Hier übernehmen Ausgestiegene verschiedene Aufgaben – entweder hinter den Kulissen […] Mehr lesen