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Raus aus der rechtsextremen Szene – Ausstieg mit EXIT-Deutschland

Wie schafft man den Ausstieg aus dem Nazi-Netzwerk der Rechtsradikalen? 33 Tausend Menschen gehören, laut Bundesverfassungsschutz, zur „Rechtsextremen Szene“ in Deutschland. Immer wieder wollen Menschen genau da wieder raus und das ist meistens gar nicht so einfach. EXIT-Deutschland das Aussteigerprogramm greift den Aussteigern aber unter die Arme. Wie genau das funktioniert hörst du heute, in dieser […] Mehr lesen

2021 – Ein Rückblick

Im vergangenen Jahr konnte schon an vielen Stellen wieder Normalität in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von EXIT-Deutschland hergestellt und viele Kooperationen, Veranstaltungen – On- und Offline – sowie Ausstellungen und Aktionen umgesetzt werden. Unser Rückblick mit den wichtigsten Projekten, Ereignissen & Ergebnissen im Jahre 2021, mit sieben verlinkten Berichten zu unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten. Haut, Stein – Veränderung im […] Mehr lesen

The Role of Formers in P/CVE and Peacebuilding

The Centre for Global Security Challenges, University of Leeds and START, University of Maryland are delighted to welcome you to our online two-day workshop on the role of formers in P/CVE and Peacebuilding, 17-18th February 2022. This workshop aims to shed light on the role of former extremists and former combatants in P/CVE and peacebuilding […] Mehr lesen

Returning to Extremism

An Overview on Terrorist Reoffending and Current Challenges By Susanna Z. Papp and Robert Örell.  Due to recent tragic terrorist attacks in Europe, the question of terrorist recidivism has come to the centre of attention in public and policy discourses. Although the data show low recidivism rates in European countries, the impact of successful re-offenses […] Mehr lesen

Sex, Drugs, & NS Rock ’n‘ Roll

Right-wing Extremist Brotherhoods and their Mafia-like Structures. By Elias Vander. They wear leather outfits with the insignia of their gang, imitate well-known and international motorcycle clubs with their attire and make money in similar ways as as their apparently (in)famous idols. Since the beginning of the nineties, so called „brotherhoods“ have been an integral part […] Mehr lesen

Fighters for Peace

Ex-combatants: Lessons learned – “Formers” engage in preventing violence and extremism By Christina Foerch Saab. Working with “formers” (former extremists and ex-combatants) in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) can be very impactful on target groups such as marginalized and excluded youth who are at the brink of radicalization or who have already taken the […] Mehr lesen

Reporting about Violent Extremism and P/CVE

Reporting about Violent Extremism and P/CVE Challenges for Journalists – Recommendations from Practitioners By Alexander Ritzmann and Fabian Wichmann. This paper will describe the challenges for Journalists and will give some recommendations from practitioners. Reporting about extremism and terrorism poses major challenges for journalists on different levels. This paper will address some of the most […] Mehr lesen

Digital Exit Work

RAN small-scale meeting on “Digital Exit Work” – CONCLUSION PAPER By Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN). Key outcomes The effectiveness of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) interventions is based on an in-depth understanding of the relevant target audiences, and in particular of the needs of individuals. Most existing exit programmes are founded around concepts of […] Mehr lesen

Incels: A Guide to Symbols and Terminology

By Moonshotteam. Online incel communities represent a risk to both health and public safety. The men involved in the incel ecosystem are angry, isolated, depressed, and often suicidal. The Toronto van attack in 2018 and the more recent attack in February 2020 have put their capacity for real-world harm beyond doubt. It is also clear […] Mehr lesen