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Study Visit to Finland

Report by Fabian Wichmann. The RAN Practitioner Exchange Programme, which took place among others in Germany (EXIT-Germany) and Finland (Kare Ry & Exit Finland), was a resounding success in supporting and targeting practitioners at an individual professional level. This pioneering programme was a new deliverable for RAN and it provided practitioners with the unparalleled opportunity […] Mehr lesen

Study Visit at EXIT-Germany

Report by Dr. Virginie Andre. The RAN Practitioner Exchange Programme, which took place among others in Germany (EXIT-Germany) and Finland (Kare Ry & Exit Finland), was a resounding success in supporting and targeting practitioners at an individual professional level. This pioneering programme was a new deliverable for RAN and it provided practitioners with the unparalleled […] Mehr lesen

Hate, Violence and Megalomania (1/3)

No One Cares About the Obvious (1/3) By Ferdinand. Verfasst von Fabian Wichmann und Felix Benneckenstein. German version. Ferdinand* came into contact with the right-wing extremist movement at a young age. Fed by a one-sided interest in military history and hero worship, he became increasingly radicalised. He was a member of various comradeships and groups. […] Mehr lesen

Confronting the Mental Health Realities of Successful Exit from VFRE

By Life After Hate. Who are those who are looking to exit violent far right extremism (VFRE)? Just as the definition of VFRE has adapted and expanded over the years, so, too, have the needs of those looking to leave VFRE changed. Over the last decade it has become clear that direct-service work combatting violent […] Mehr lesen

Anti-government sentiment – A critical reflection

By Fabian Wichmann. The right to disagree with your government, to organise and protest on this basis is a core human freedom and value. Europeans are free to call for the replacement of their governments and to radically re-imagine their governing institutions, up to and including calling for the disestablishment of their state or the […] Mehr lesen

Hass, Gewalt und Größenwahn (1/3)

Niemand interessiert sich für das Offensichtliche (Teil 1) Von Ferdinand. Verfasst von Fabian Wichmann und Felix Benneckenstein. English version. Ferdinand* kam schon in jungen Jahren mit der rechtsextremen Szene in Kontakt. Gespeist aus einseitigen Interesse an Militärgeschichte und Heldenverehrung radikalisierte er sich immer weiter. Er war Mitglied in unterschiedlichen Kameradschaften und Gruppierungen. Gewalt war zu […] Mehr lesen

Digital frontrunners: Key challenges and recommendations for online P/CVE work

By Radicalisation Awareness Network (C&N). Key outcomes Working online has become increasingly important across almost all fields of work, especially since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic in 2020 when working from home became mandatory for many people. This is also true for work in preventing and countering of violent extremism (P/CVE), since radicalisation processes […] Mehr lesen

Podcast: Coping with Dystopia – Coping with Right-Wing Extremism

By Coping with Dystopia. Feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world? Does it seem like society is fraying at the edges? Our podcast, Coping with Dystopia, is here to help! We speak with people who have experienced it all and come out the other side. These are thoughtful, real-world talks that offer practical and […] Mehr lesen

Der Eintritt in die Szene

Vom Wunsch, ein Täter zu sein Von ACD. Es war der Abend eines WM-Spiels. Ich saß mit Freunden in einem Park zusammen. Deutschland spielte. Jemand rief: „Deutschland verrecke!”. Meine Antwort: „Deutschland erwache”. Eine Flasche flog von einer Brücke in die Nähe meiner Gruppe. Ich rannte hoch. Ein Messer befindet sich in meiner Tasche. Dort treffe […] Mehr lesen

Summer Institute: State of Play, The Politics of Right Wing Extremism

The Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism is proud to offer its first Summer Institute on right-wing extremism, in collaboration with the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR). As a partner of the The Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism, Exit-Germany will give a lesson on the topic of campaigning in exit work and the […] Mehr lesen