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How to be a German Neo-Nazi Girl

By Dr. Thomas Klikauer & Dr. Norman Simms. This is the story of a German girl who joined a völkisch-Aryan legion of Neo-Nazis. This is her report after exit from Germany’s present day Neo-Nazi scene. At the tender age of just thirteen, Irma Grese (not her real name) slipped into Germany’s far-right extremists. Today Irma Grese has […] Mehr lesen

Germany’s most involuntary charity walkthon

By The Tea Team. There is a long school and sport club tradition that combines athletics with fundraising for a group or charity: the walkathon. The principle is simple: a school or club organizes a sporting event – a run, walk or hike for example – for all members. In the run-up to the event, […] Mehr lesen

Two Sides of the Same Coin: A personal story

By ACD. Dear readers, let me introduce myself. I work in a social field. Every day I help people imrpove their lives and how to deal with their problems. Many years of my life I have spent in living in mutliple countries and amongst many cultures. However, as of some years ago I also spent […] Mehr lesen

Bd. 4 (2014) Special Issue: Music and Radicalism

Inhaltsverzeichnis Foreword: Why Music? Benjamin Raphael Teitelbaum The Music Cultures of Radical Environmental and Animal-Rights Activism (REARA) Jonathan Pieslak A Collection of Interview Correspondences with Incarcerated ALF and Vegan Straight Edge/Hardline Activist Walter Bond Jonathan Pieslak Ohne Musik geht es nicht. Salafismus und „Nasheeds“ (Anasheed) in Deutschland Claudia Dantschke From Outcast to Martyr: The Memory […] Mehr lesen

Foreword: Why Music?

By Benjamin Raphael Teitelbaum. Abstract: “Every revolutionary movement has its own music, lyrics, and poets. The music does not create organizations, nor do musicians necessarily lead the revolution. But revolutionary/protest music gives voice to the dreams, visions, and fantasies of the revolutionaries and the utopian society they hope to establish” (Lööw 1998:126). Music might seem […] Mehr lesen

The Music Cultures of Radical Environmental and Animal-Rights Activism (REARA)

By Jonathan Pieslak. Abstract: While most recent research on radicalism prioritizes focus on religious and right wingoriented radicalism, radicalism and violence are, of course, not the sole domain of far-right political, religious, or racial ideology.1 This article addresses the most active and musical element emerging from the radical left today within the United States, Radical […] Mehr lesen

A Collection of Interview Correspondences with Incarcerated ALF and Vegan Straight Edge/Hardline Activist Walter Bond

By Jonathan Pieslak. Abstract: In September of 2013, I began a series of interview correspondences with Walter Bond, an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activist presently incarcerated at the Communication Management Unit (CMU) of the Unites States Penitentiary in Marion, Illinois. The CMU is a recent designation unit, commonly housing militant jihadists, for inmates whose communication […] Mehr lesen

Ohne Musik geht es nicht. Salafismus und „Nasheeds“ (Anasheed) in Deutschland

Von Claudia Dantscke. Abstrakt: Nasheeds sind also eine eigene Form der Verbreitung radikaler Ideologie – reduziert auf das Wesentliche und emotional unterlegt. Am Beispiel des 21jährigen Arid Uka, der am 2. März 2011 im Frankfurter Flughafen zwei US-Soldaten erschoss und zwei weitere verletzte, zeigte sich, dass derartige Nasheeds zu einem Radikalisierungsprozess dazu gehören. Als sich […] Mehr lesen

From Outcast to Martyr: The Memory of Rudolf Hess in Skinhead Culture

By Ryan Shaffer. Abstract: This article explores neo-Nazi skinhead culture by reviewing how the memory of Rudolf Hess is employed by extremists as a transnational icon. It highlights how Hess, an outcast in the Nazi party and imprisoned by the British, became a “martyr” to post-war fascists in Britain and Germany. This article reviews skinhead […] Mehr lesen