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For Land and Race

The impact of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine on P/CVE: VRWE fighters and VRWE dynamics By Fabian Wichmann. Summary The illegal and illegitimate Russian war of aggression against Ukraine not only presents political and military dimensions, but also ideological and extremist aspects. In addition to regular military units, violent right-wing extremist (VRWE) groups […] Mehr lesen

What’s going on online?

Dealing with (potential) use of deepfake technology by extremists By RAN WG C&N. Key outcomes Being online, and doing online work, has become an integral part of everyday life. More and more work in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) is also taking place online. But the online landscape changes and develops […] Mehr lesen

The role and function of conspiracy narratives in right-wing extremism

By Fabian Wichmann. With the strengthening of social polarisation and social crises, conspiracy narratives or conspiracy ideologies are also experiencing a boost. Various studies have shown that people who believe in conspiracy narratives do not only believe in one of these narratives, but are receptive to many more diverse narratives. This is one explanation for […] Mehr lesen

Returning to Extremism

An Overview on Terrorist Reoffending and Current Challenges By Susanna Z. Papp and Robert Örell.  Due to recent tragic terrorist attacks in Europe, the question of terrorist recidivism has come to the centre of attention in public and policy discourses. Although the data show low recidivism rates in European countries, the impact of successful re-offenses […] Mehr lesen

RAN Study Visit to South-East-Asia

By Robert Örell. Key outcomes The RAN digital study visit to Southeast Asia took place on 3-4 March 2021 and brought together 23 European and Southeast Asian practitioners (respectively, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines). The goal of the workshop was to share knowledge and exchange challenges and inspiring practices in the field of disengagement, […] Mehr lesen

New Threat? Transnational violent right-wing extremism on the rise

By Fabian Wichmann. In the whole of the USA, 330 people have been killed by violent right-wing extremists in the past ten years. This is the conclusion of a report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Meanwhile, in Germany, 182 people were killed in the past decade. According to the Global Terrorism Index 2020, right-wing extremist […] Mehr lesen

Positive Play: Can gamification support P/CVE measures?

By Linda Schlegel. Introduction In the last years, the ‘gamification of extremism’ has gained an increasing amount of attention in both research and practice. From the development of original games and the modification of existing popular games such as Call of Duty, to the use of in-game chats and gaming adjacent platforms for communication and […] Mehr lesen

ZusammenDenken. Elf Thesen zur Islamismusprävention an Schulen

Von Aycan Demirel, Mirko Niehoff. Auszug: Die nachfolgenden „elf Thesen zur Islamismusprävention an Schulen“ basieren auf Ansätzen und Erfahrungen eines Modellprojektes der Kreuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus (KIgA). Dieses hatte zum Ziel, pädagogische Strategien und Konzepte zur Prävention islamistischer Orientierungen für die Arbeit mit Schülerinnen und Schüler der Sekundarstufen I und II zu entwickeln und durchzuführen. […] Mehr lesen

Rekrutierung im Cyberspace – wie Extremisten das Internet nutzen

Von Dorothee Dienstbühl, und Meike Weber. Auszug: Kein Raum ist anonymer als das Internet und in keinem verbreiten sich Informationen rascher. Dieser Umstand macht den virtuellen Raum für Extremisten zum optimalen Medium, um insbesondere junge Menschen anzusprechen und sie zu beeinflussen. Während die ansteigenden Aktivitäten von Extremisten jeglicher Couleur bekannt sind und mit Sorge registriert […] Mehr lesen