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Anti-government sentiment – A critical reflection

By Fabian Wichmann. The right to disagree with your government, to organise and protest on this basis is a core human freedom and value. Europeans are free to call for the replacement of their governments and to radically re-imagine their governing institutions, up to and including calling for the disestablishment of their state or the […] Mehr lesen

Digital frontrunners: Key challenges and recommendations for online P/CVE work

By Radicalisation Awareness Network (C&N). Key outcomes Working online has become increasingly important across almost all fields of work, especially since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic in 2020 when working from home became mandatory for many people. This is also true for work in preventing and countering of violent extremism (P/CVE), since radicalisation processes […] Mehr lesen

Podcast: Coping with Dystopia – Coping with Right-Wing Extremism

By Coping with Dystopia. Feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world? Does it seem like society is fraying at the edges? Our podcast, Coping with Dystopia, is here to help! We speak with people who have experienced it all and come out the other side. These are thoughtful, real-world talks that offer practical and […] Mehr lesen

Millenarian Dreams of the Schizo-scene

By Caleb Cain. Caleb Cain about a troubling new trend that involves dark subcultures that glorify violence and foster nihilism. In Scorsese’s Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle is a distraught young soldier, home from the war and adrift in a crime-ridden New York City. His inability to reconcile the cognitive dissonance caused by an unjust world […] Mehr lesen

Abschlussbericht MoDeRad: Modellkommune Deradikalisierung

Die Kommune als Handlungsraum Ziel von MoDeRad: Modellkommune Deradikalisierung war es, einen Erfahrungstransfer aus sechs lokalen Projekten zu schaffen und damit weiteren Kommunen beim Aufbau und der Weiterentwicklung ihrer Deradikalisierungsansätze unterstützen. EXIT-Deutschland begleitet und unterstützte die Projekte im Rahmen des Fachbeirats. Deradikalisierungsarbeit kann nur vor Ort gelingen – dort, wo die Menschen leben: in den […] Mehr lesen

How to use campaigns for exit work?

An overview of Exit Germany‘s target group approach By Fabian Wichmann. Summary How do you reach a target group that is relatively insular and communicate with a message that is meant to challenge their worldview? What role can campaigns play in this context and, how has the target group reacted to corresponding actions? Can campaigns […] Mehr lesen

Perspectives: A Nazi-target, a former, a case manager

Exit Part I: Fabian and Tülüfülügülümülü on Nazis in Germany Exit Part I is about stories, Exit Part II about facts and strategies. We’ll meet a Nazi-whisperer, an ex-Nazi, and a Nazi-target. Tülüfülügülümülü is a writer and actor, son of a guest working cleaning lady and a guest working taxi driver. He grew up in […] Mehr lesen

Raus aus der rechtsextremen Szene – Ausstieg mit EXIT-Deutschland

Wie schafft man den Ausstieg aus dem Nazi-Netzwerk der Rechtsradikalen? 33 Tausend Menschen gehören, laut Bundesverfassungsschutz, zur „Rechtsextremen Szene“ in Deutschland. Immer wieder wollen Menschen genau da wieder raus und das ist meistens gar nicht so einfach. EXIT-Deutschland das Aussteigerprogramm greift den Aussteigern aber unter die Arme. Wie genau das funktioniert hörst du heute, in dieser […] Mehr lesen

2021 – Ein Rückblick

Im vergangenen Jahr konnte schon an vielen Stellen wieder Normalität in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von EXIT-Deutschland hergestellt und viele Kooperationen, Veranstaltungen – On- und Offline – sowie Ausstellungen und Aktionen umgesetzt werden. Unser Rückblick mit den wichtigsten Projekten, Ereignissen & Ergebnissen im Jahre 2021, mit sieben verlinkten Berichten zu unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten. Haut, Stein – Veränderung im […] Mehr lesen

The Role of Formers in P/CVE and Peacebuilding

The Centre for Global Security Challenges, University of Leeds and START, University of Maryland are delighted to welcome you to our online two-day workshop on the role of formers in P/CVE and Peacebuilding, 17-18th February 2022. This workshop aims to shed light on the role of former extremists and former combatants in P/CVE and peacebuilding […] Mehr lesen