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The Message

Formers in prevention/countering violent extremism (P/CVE) – Standards by EXIT-Germany By Ulrike Krause, Bernd Wagner, Fabian Wichmann. Summary EXIT-Germany is an organization that helps individuals exit from right-wing extremist (rwe/vrwe) groups. It includes formers in its work on an equal basis, with their involvement in political education, background research, and territorial situation analyses. Maintaining a […] Mehr lesen

For Land and Race

The impact of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine on P/CVE: VRWE fighters and VRWE dynamics By Fabian Wichmann. Summary The illegal and illegitimate Russian war of aggression against Ukraine not only presents political and military dimensions, but also ideological and extremist aspects. In addition to regular military units, violent right-wing extremist (VRWE) groups […] Mehr lesen

What’s going on online?

Dealing with (potential) use of deepfake technology by extremists By RAN WG C&N. Key outcomes Being online, and doing online work, has become an integral part of everyday life. More and more work in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) is also taking place online. But the online landscape changes and develops […] Mehr lesen

Consequences of Extremist Digital Heritage on the Rehabilitation Process

By Dr Virginie Andre. Introduction The diffusion of digital extremist content by individuals and extremist groups, as well as the way in which this content and terrorism-related events are reported by news media, have increasingly raised concerns regarding: 1) the perpetuation of violent extremist propaganda; 2) pathways to radicalisation; and 3) the potential recruitment and […] Mehr lesen

The role and function of conspiracy narratives in right-wing extremism

By Fabian Wichmann. With the strengthening of social polarisation and social crises, conspiracy narratives or conspiracy ideologies are also experiencing a boost. Various studies have shown that people who believe in conspiracy narratives do not only believe in one of these narratives, but are receptive to many more diverse narratives. This is one explanation for […] Mehr lesen

Returning to Extremism

An Overview on Terrorist Reoffending and Current Challenges By Susanna Z. Papp and Robert Örell.  Due to recent tragic terrorist attacks in Europe, the question of terrorist recidivism has come to the centre of attention in public and policy discourses. Although the data show low recidivism rates in European countries, the impact of successful re-offenses […] Mehr lesen

Atomwaffen Division Financing

Backgrounder and counter-terrorist financing options By Jessica Davis. In this post, I explore the financing mechanisms used by Atomwaffen Division and the new iteration of the group, National Socialist Order. Both AWD and NSO, as well as James Mason, one of the ideological leaders of AWD, are all listed terrorist entities in Canada. Like many ideologically-motivated violent […] Mehr lesen

Conference: 4th Addressing the New Landscape of Terrorism

4th International Conference 25-28 October 2021 Berlin, Germany (online) Victoria University – EXIT-Germany The Addressing the New Landscape of Terrorism initiative was created in 2015, with its first edition launched in February 2016 in Melbourne, then its second and third editions, respectively, in July 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand and in April 2019 in Rabat, Morocco. […] Mehr lesen

Sex, Drugs, & NS Rock ’n‘ Roll

Right-wing Extremist Brotherhoods and their Mafia-like Structures. By Elias Vander. They wear leather outfits with the insignia of their gang, imitate well-known and international motorcycle clubs with their attire and make money in similar ways as as their apparently (in)famous idols. Since the beginning of the nineties, so called „brotherhoods“ have been an integral part […] Mehr lesen

RAN C&N The Incel Phenomenon

Online meeting 17-18 June 2021 By RAN Communication and Narratives (C&N) Working Group. The incel phenomenon is being studied more and more, from a P/CVE perspective as well. As there are links between certain parts of the incel movement to (other) types of extremism, it is important to try to understand what is going on […] Mehr lesen