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The strategic use of deradicalization

By Mark Dechesne. Abstract: The present contribution provides a recap of an earlier article entitled “Deradicalization: Not Soft but Strategic” (Dechesne, 2011). Building on the propositions that deradicalization is of strategic use, that it has existed for quite some time, that it may occur spontaneously, and that is should be differentiated from behavioral disengagement, a […] Mehr lesen

Government responses to far-right extremism: Learning from 10 European states

By Vidhya Ramalingam. Abstract: Europe has been confronted repeatedly with the grim reality of right-wing extremism over the past several years. In October 2013, Ukrainian born terrorist Pavlo Lapshyn was convicted for racially-motivated murder and for plotting a campaign of terror against mosques in the UK. In August 2012, far right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik […] Mehr lesen

Right-Wing Extremist Radicalization Processes: The Formers’ Perspective

By Daniel Köhler. Abstract: This study is based on the in-depth analysis of nine narrative interviews with seven former high ranking German right-wing extremists. Giving an intensive overview about the related academic literature on right-wing radicalization processes the findings regarding the individual motivations for entry; belonging and exit are integrated therein, albeit focusing on the […] Mehr lesen

Bd. 3 (2013) Foreign Fighters & Counter Terrorism

Inhaltsverzeichnis Countering Violent Extremism across the Nordic Baltic Network. A Conference Report and Introduction to the NBN The British Embassy in Stockholm Zur Zusammenarbeit privatrechtlicher Initiativen und staatlichen Organisationen in Ausstiegsprozessen aus politisch radikalen Bewegungen Bernd Wagner Mum, I’m fighting for Allah now Ahmad Mansour Terror Superstars Daniela Pisoiu „Man muss in der Szene auch […] Mehr lesen