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Sex, Drugs, & NS Rock ’n‘ Roll

Right-wing Extremist Brotherhoods and their Mafia-like Structures. By Elias Vander. They wear leather outfits with the insignia of their gang, imitate well-known and international motorcycle clubs with their attire and make money in similar ways as as their apparently (in)famous idols. Since the beginning of the nineties, so called „brotherhoods“ have been an integral part […] Mehr lesen

RAN C&N The Incel Phenomenon

Online meeting 17-18 June 2021 By RAN Communication and Narratives (C&N) Working Group. The incel phenomenon is being studied more and more, from a P/CVE perspective as well. As there are links between certain parts of the incel movement to (other) types of extremism, it is important to try to understand what is going on […] Mehr lesen

Fighters for Peace

Ex-combatants: Lessons learned – “Formers” engage in preventing violence and extremism By Christina Foerch Saab. Working with “formers” (former extremists and ex-combatants) in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) can be very impactful on target groups such as marginalized and excluded youth who are at the brink of radicalization or who have already taken the […] Mehr lesen

No Violent Extremist is An Island

The Role of Communities in the Rehabilitation of Former Extremists and the Reduction of the Risk of Recidivism. By Dr Virginie Andre. Summary This article is review on a series of international online workshops on the Multi-Dimensional Role of Former Violent Extremist in the Prevention, Intervention and Countering of Violent Extremism launched by Victoria University […] Mehr lesen