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The Message

Formers in prevention/countering violent extremism (P/CVE) – Standards by EXIT-Germany

By Ulrike Krause, Bernd Wagner, Fabian Wichmann.


EXIT-Germany is an organization that helps individuals exit from right-wing extremist (rwe/vrwe) groups. It includes formers in its work on an equal basis, with their involvement in political education, background research, and territorial situation analyses. Maintaining a public profile using formers is a central element of the organization’s work. Personal testimonies and appearances by formers who openly question the ideology and critique internal mechanisms are significant in counter-extremism work. In some cases, making the exit public is unavoidable and serves to announce the exit to the rwe/vrwe scene and solidify the exit. Biographical self-reflection is another element of the exit process, and the contributions are published to generate an effect beyond the former’s own reflection and perception.

The following text describes stadards of EXIT-Germany and is part of a series of publications on standards by EXIT-Germany.

Full Article:


German version and video podcast

Bild: EXIT-Deutschland