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Conference: 4th Addressing the New Landscape of Terrorism

4th International Conference

25-28 October 2021 Berlin, Germany (online)

Victoria University – EXIT-Germany

The Addressing the New Landscape of Terrorism initiative was created in 2015, with its first edition launched in February 2016 in Melbourne, then its second and third editions, respectively, in July 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand and in April 2019 in Rabat, Morocco. This fourth edition is co-organised by Victoria University and Exit Germany, in partnership with RESOLVE Network, Exit Finland and Fighters for Peace. The conference will be held online from Berlin from 26 to 28 October 2021, with an opening evening on 25 October 2021 .

This fourth conference will examine the changing landscape of terrorism in this covid era overall context of what we know about violent extremism and practical approaches in Australia, Europe, Southeast Asia and northern America to diminishing its impact globally. The perspectives of practitioners, policy-makers and academics will be brought together on international approaches to preventing and minimising the risk of radicalisation and countering violent extremism.

The conference will provide a platform to address the following issues:

  • Media and P/CVE
  • Youth Mental Health and P/CVE
  • Disengagement in Prison
  • Rehabilitation of former Extremists
  • Multi-agency Framework for the Prevention of RWE

The conference will be held over three days with two panels convened each day, followed by two afternoon workshops each day.

This initiative is distinctive in its approach, as it endeavours to identify, address and respond to current and emerging threats and challenges in preventing and countering violent extremism; it advances knowledge and develops tools grounded in practical and lived experiences and sound interdisciplinary academic expertise; it provides a platform for communities, young people and social actors to not only share their experiences but also, to enhance our understanding of the challenges they face in order to inform policy-making in better sustaining social cohesion and social resilience. Its unique qualities are shaped by the first hand practical experiences and knowledge of front line practitioners and policy-makers in preventing and countering violent extremism, academic evidence-based research, community knowledge and youth active participation.

The current and ever evolving nature of terrorism and the challenges it poses to policy-making in safeguarding our societies and communities is an important aspect of this initiative as it encapsulates in each edition these changing challenges across the landscape of terrorism. As such, the various thematic sessions, the structure and the locations evolve as the threat progresses.


Dr. Virginie Andre virginie.andre[at]


Register here sign-up

Conference convernor Dr. Virginie Andre about the history of the conference.